Qabas Real Estate Development Company.
a limited liability company existing under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, company number 2051219600, with its registered head office located at Dammam Hwy, Al Khobar, KSA.
Qabas is a company that is enthusiastic to make a difference in the way Key Infrastructure Assets Development and Management by providing added value to the Projects we develop through service and application engineering.
Qabas Real Estate Development Company has steadily grown and expanded throughout Middle East and GCC countries and managed to build up an association with international services providers.
Tight adherence to our client’s needs is essential to our business. Our solid relationships with our clients allow us to ensure swift delivery of services within budget with very competitive rates.
We Build Strong Buildings In Town
Qabas Real Estate Development Company
devoted to deliver exceptional and high levels of fine designs and high-quality properties.
Qabas has been launching its own offices and appointed agents to assist its esteemed consumers all over the region.